Helpful Links

A link rarely comes alone: Helpful websites from
the health sector. 

Click through the virtual world of medicine

Here you will find offices, job exchanges and databases from the health sector.

  1. Medical literature
    1. Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
      The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is recognized as the lead federal agency in U.S.A. for providing credible information about safety and health.
    2. PubMed - Medline search
      Medline Search from PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's search service that provides access to over 10 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, and other related databases.
    3. British Medical Journal (BMJ)
      This site launched in May 1995 and contains the full text of all articles published in the weekly BMJ since January 1994. In addition, it contains material that is unique to the website. Currently access to the entire site is free.
    4. EMH - Swiss Medical Publishers Ltd.
    5. Original medicines Compendium of Swizerland®
    6. Swiss Medical Weekly
  2. Authorities / Federations
    1. Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (SFOPH)
      The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health makes an essential contribution to prepare fact sheets to various topics, a.o. infectious diseases, and to offer services.
    2. Swiss cancer league
      One of the swiss cancer league's tasks is the registration of cancer. It's possible to object to this registration.
      You can find the objection form here: Widerspruch gegen die Registrierung von Krebserkrankungen
      A list of all cancer registries in Switzerland can be found here: Adressliste der Krebsregister in der Schweiz
    3. Suva
    4. WHO - World Health Organization
    5. Swiss Accreditation Service - SAS
  3. Various
    1. System of registration
    2. Medical waste disposal
      Spiromed AG
      REMONDIS SE & Co. KG
      VerriPac - ClinkPak s.à.r.l
      Valbenne SA (091 751 91 02)
    3. Sterilisation
      sermaX AG
    4. Nutritional advice
      Metabolic Balance: Individual nutrition plan based on your own blood values. Suitable for effective weight loss, but also for combating listlessness or constant tiredness.
      Hepart AG
      Targeted nutrient supply with HCK® micronutrients. Individually formulated food supplements instead of standard preparations.